My tremors or shakiness is so apparent that people are already noticing and making fun of it. You cannot make me take pictures or else it’ll be all “Ring”-like. My nervous system’s all messed up from all the caffeine that it’s kinda already bothering me. You see, my average caffeine intakes goes like this: two mugs of coffee in the morning; one cup during first breaks; the occasional cup in the middle; two cups after dinner; and another mug before going to sleep. (Weird, coffee makes me sleepy!) And let’s not forget about my iced tea vice. I substitute iced tea for water. Good thing that I can’t drink that much when I’m in the office, but it’s a whole different story once I’m in the house. Two to three litters of iced tea carries me through the day. Bad, huh?
What can I do? I am that passionate and a sucker for caffeine-based beverages. It’s a good thing I completely stayed away from sodas and I don’t plan on going back to it anytime soon. Like I said, my shakiness is kinda worrying me so I decided to do the right thing. I am caffeine-sober for the past few days and I’m feeling extra okay. That’s good right? Now, I’m just waiting for the after effects of not having this anti-depressant chemical compound in me. May I be okay! (--,)