2008, farewell. December, probably the best and busiest month of 2008, goodbye. But before we bid ta-ta to a hell of a year, I shall relay the events of my December. I haven’t been writing anything. Believe me, there are lots of stories to tell and shan’t be narrated, but, zero-time to do so. So much parties, events, Christmas rush, even mini-sessions that if I was in a movie or a show, voiceovers wouldn’t even be an option. Writing long and separate entries would be appropriate for every worthy moment of December but it wouldn’t matter as it’s already January. So, little snippets accompanied by images will do. Oh, yeah, clicking pictures may lead you to albums. You never know!
December 5, 2008 | Don Bosco Church & The Blue LeafOne of my college
kabarkada, Law, as expected, finally signed up to be the husband of his long-time love, Teri. Solid! New office! New options. Still stuck in the old. But no worries, this event kicked off December appropriately. I knew I was in for a long and joyous ride.
December 6, 2008 | Muchos KTVAfter our first comrade
succumbed to the joys of marriage, it made us think, should we follow his suit and take on a more mature road in our petty lives. Hell no! Binging and singing sessions with they Boys at Metrowalk where the word “peculiar” became a household
December 7, 2008 | SM Mall of Asia, CenterStageFourth and final screening of Twilight the movie. Kat, it’s still a question if you’re to be invited to movie parties that involve dazzling century-old teenagers and emo-like human characters. You made it fun, in a weird sort of way.
December 13, 2008 | Miss A’s turf, Riverside VillIn what was tagged as the “Event of the Year” for our lowly team, the First-Ever T&C Year-End Party was worthy of its hype. Expectations were increasing as the days lead up to this glorious day, and it did not disappoint. Very grateful to our bosses for making it possible to finally bring us all together just to have fun and not worry about anything related to the office. Food, food, drinks, games, more drinks, physical games, singing, singing, singing, prizes, and more drinks and singing--yep, that just about covers it all. Sorry, no embarrassing videos this time around.

December 14, 2008 | Fort Boni’s Open GroundsThis is what happens when you make around a thousand people wear red, get them all together in an open field, throw in some grub and drinks, ask The Dawn and some world music group to play, give an apple green car to some newbie, and for our part, bring 20,000 cameras…Intensity: The APS Year-End Party! Two parties in one weekend! Couldn’t get better than that. Or so I thought.
December 19, 2008 | a Veneto PizzeriaChristmas dinner with what I consider being my 3rd family: Offline Team. Tradition, as they say, is what this night is all about. Sure, it’s only in its second year and most of the original casts are having dinner elsewhere with their new respective family/team, but it will live on. As long as there is that Offline Team that doesn’t seem to be faltering, a Veneto will have their regular customers.
December 20, 2008 | Amalia’s RestaurantTita Alice turns 80. Can’t believe she already lived through eight decades and is still working. And all her subjects, especially Mum, even yours truly, were there to celebrate it with her. It is in this occasion that I realized how tight-knit officemates and colleagues can be. Even if all of them are in different companies, new careers, it was like the span of 20 years was just an all-girls night out. Nothing seemed to change. No, I do not with to spend eternity in my company; I just wonder what T&C people would be like 10 years from now.
December 22, 2008 | Alabang Town Center & Festival MallShopping is a skill. I turned it into my mantra that day. Only two days before Jesus celebrates his birthday and I still haven’t got one present for the lucky persons that are in my list. It’s official; Alabang malls are now my favorite shopping places. They carry everything, even things that are just useless but are cheap so one can’t help but buy. The day was a success.
December 24, 2008 | Christmas EveMy favorite time of the year…is still my favorite time of the year. Most people are claiming that they do not feel the spirit of Christmas this year and yet malls are packed with last-minute shoppers, traffic jam is a bitch, people are humming and singing holiday tunes, the weather is evidence enough that indeed it’s Christmas. Noche Buena with the family as always. Solemn and intimate, the way Christmas Eve dinners should be.
December 25, 2008 | Ventura Christmas ReunionMerry Christmas! For 22 years, Matutum has always held our clan gatherings and the last Christmas reunion was no different. Yep, the turnout was pretty commendable; totally unexpected but nonetheless should be thankful for. I still got major presents. Wow. I’m actually worried for next year; gots to start handing out crispy bills to the kids.
December 28, 2008 | Mamang’s 40thNo, it’s not an event that should be celebrated; it’s a day to reflect and pray for her soul. Although, massive food takeouts won’t hurt either.
December 29, 2008 | Christmas ObligationDad. Holiday meetup with my father. Simple lunch with Mum and doing some father-and-son basics, say, shopping for clothes. Say “
Yihee, your one big happy family” and I will not hesitate to destroy you, in pieces! Fun day.
December 30, 2008 | Returning to normalNothing special, really. It just marks the day that my schedule and work life returns to normal. And by normal I mean reporting in regular office hours, sort of. Perfect excuse to grab breakfast and have expensive coffee with friends in the morning.

December 31, 2008 | New Year’s Eve
No way! It’s over, really? That’s it? Resting is not an option as New Year’s Eve is always extravagantly celebrated with Japanese food and expensive firecrackers in this part of Parañaque. The dawn of the new year are always fun for me as it usually leads to some social drinking with teenagers. Yes, teenagers, my cousins are still in high school. Next year would be different as my New Year drinking buddies will be in college. Oh, I have been waiting for that moment for so long. Times and moments like that, it sucks to be the oldest in your generation. Rare occurrence that the whole immediate family were together under one roof. Well, Ninang’s not here but through the wonders of technology, Torrance is like just a couple of kilometers away.
Actually, there’s more. I actually just woke up from a late house party that might, possibly, hopefully, turn into a yearly tradish. But since Binsent’s “
In-Between Nights” transpired over 2009, I will not include it. But I will consider it as the perfect and fitting way to end the rollercoaster ride that is December 2008.
Lots to be thankful for. Lots of major realizations. Lots of moments to be remembered. Couple of things that should be forgotten. And all of these…just in a span of 31 days of the 12th month of the year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to me!