Opening ceremonies of 2008 Beijing Olympics probably set the bar for future Olympic openers. Besides the fact that I considered yesterday as a special day for numerical reasons, I also said that 08-08-08 marks the start of the 2008 Summer Olympics. And what a start it was.

I missed the first part of the ceremonies but from what I’ve read so far, I didn’t miss much (except for the box thing which I haven’t seen yet). They kicked off the party at 8:08 p.m. most likely because of China being superstitious, as a couple of 8’s in pairs are supposed to be really lucky. Cool! Anyway, what I got when I tuned in were these kids in the middle of the stadium painting in a huge scroll-like canvas. They were surrounded of hundreds, literally, of tai-chi guys performing what they’re good at, in synch. Oh wow. The aerial view was to die for. Next up, Sarah Brightman and Chinese native Liu Huan performed the 2008 Beijing Olympics official theme,
You and Me, on top of a colossal globe, together with suspended around them. It gave me that Cirque de Soleil feeling. Then of course, the parade of the athletes.

Now, this is what it’s all about; unity, togetherness, all vying for one goal. And that was evident in the faces of those who were marching to make their country proud. Times like these, makes one wishes to be an athlete and march along the worlds finest. It is also in this segment where we SHOULD’VE gotten a glimpse of our Filipino Olympians. But what does C/S do? They opted to show commercial breaks that run five minutes long and left the Olympic telecast to probably just a minute and a half. As expected, we almost missed the march of our athletes. When it went back on-air, our country was already called and our constituents were already halfway through their march. Sheesh! Shame on you media bastards! And our country even had the nerve to let Manny Pacquiao be our flag bearer? Please! He’s not even an Olympian. The Olympics using the Mandarin alphabet for order of the countries didn’t help also. Yeah, and we were wearing blue barongs! Cool, right?
The Olympics won’t officially open without the much awaited torch lighting. China opted to fuse old and new traditions and showcased what I think is the best torch-lighting ceremony in the history of modern Olympics. Flame was handed off to several Chinese sporting figures and ended up in the hands of Li Ning, the final torch bearer. He was then hoisted up in the air and made a running gesture all around the stadium, all this time, again, suspended in air. Videos of all the cities of China opening like a scroll followed him while he was going around. And then, he reached this dark spot unbeknownst to the audience and TV viewers to be the Olympic cauldron. With the Olympic torch burning, the scene ended with spectacular massive view of fireworks that really must’ve left the viewers in awe. What a way to end the opening!
I have a good feeling with our country’s campaign for this Olympics. I really wish our athletes take home our first Olympic gold medal that we so rightfully deserve. At this point I would like to say, Mary Antoinette Rivero, I love you. Hehehe. Let the games begin…
Go watch that box thing (or scroll) and you'll be surprised what's inside. B-)
I can't find a copy nga..not even in YouTube! :(( Hanap mo ko!!
commercial breaks was longer, coverage was incomplete with scrolling ads covering almost half of the screen.
You said it! If my friend didn tell me that I didn really missed half of our parade, that it was the coverage's fault, I swear I would've done something uncalled for. Hehehe. Btw..thanks for dropping by. Leave your name and link the next time. (--,)
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