Anyway, I got to see them last Saturday after I got back from Laguna with friends. I was about to enter our house when my uncle’s auto passed by and dropped off my grandma, they heard mass. They asked me if I already ate and if I haven’t; I could have sandwiches at their house. I was really famished that time and sandwiches really won’t satisfy my hunger, but as I was excited from my trip that I wanna share stories to two of my favorite cousins, I went.“What’s new? What’s new? Oh, you have a new red computer plush chair. That’s what’s new!” “OMG! No way. That’s how long we haven’t seen each other, Kuya? That chair’s been there for, like, forever,” replied Hannah. (Emphasis on her sentence as she’s from Colegio San Agustin-Makati…and you know how kids act and speak there) So that just basically says that really, we haven’t seen each other for the longest time. You see, even if she’s just 15, she’s the cousin I’m closest and most attached to, as I took care of her when she was growing up, at least until they moved here in the South. And our age gap’s not that far, seriously. So I tell her silly little things and topics such as crushes, love life, and relationships; to her delight. (FACT: she knows lots about yours truly as she’s one person that I truly trust. So if you wanna dig up dirt on me, hehehe.) As long as she can’t relate with those, it’s all good. I never had siblings and I consider her my little sister. Hands off to those with intentions.
As I’ve said, I wanted to share stories about what’s new with me and a certain “someone,” but I never did got to tell. Apparently, she has this serious crush at school and she talked about him nonstop. I never got a chance to tell mine and besides, her eyes were gleaming with every story that I let her do all the talking. To the dismay of her parents and our grandma. Priceless. “Iha, you’re too young to be thinking about crushes and topless guys.” LOL. Good thing I wasn’t into crushes and relationships when I was high school, but that’s a whole different story. Serious as this is, I’m with the adults on this one. I’m cool with her having a crush and maybe turning it to something even better. Boyfriends and girlfriends are part of every teenager’s life and who am I to disagree. I just hope she doesn’t take it too seriously. I’ve been there and I don’t trust boys in high school, even in college. She has her whole future ahead of her. She’s probably going to Boston U or UCLA when she graduates next year and I wanna see to it that that pushes through. She’ll meet better looking dudes there anyways. Hehehe.
Oh, about Camille. Well, she’s younger and she just eats so nothing new really. But I missed her nonetheless. She’s still not in the “plan,” though.

Now, my apologies for the lengthy entry, it’s just that it’s been a while since I thought of a topic that isn’t work-related or depressing. Bottomline is: I missed them and I’ll make it a point to at least catch up once a week. Sundays, probably and hopefully. And…I’ll just share to her my “situation” one of these days. I’ll let her have her moment. She deserves it.
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